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2023 Management Conference

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2023 Annual Management Conference

“Green Finance: New Driving Force for Development of Corporate Sustainability” 

Macau Management Association is going to organize 2023 Annual Management Conference on 11th September 2023, Monday at 14:30 at The Grand Ballroom, MGM Macau. This year the conference is themed “Green Finance: New Driving Force for Development of Corporate Sustainability”. We are honored to have renowned professionals with profound knowledge as our speakers, to explore subjects ranging from the development trends and their practical experiences of green finance, aiming to offer insights and to bring inspiration to local enterprises, utilizing green financial instruments for corporate sustainability, to promote diversified emerging local industries and to boost Macao’s overall competitiveness.


Introduction of Speakers:

Name of Company and  Position


Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) / 

Member of Legislative Assembly of Macao Special Administrative Region(SAR) / 

Chairman of The Macau Association of Banks /

Deputy General Manager of Bank of China Macau Branch

Mr. Ip Sio Kai

Partner, Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP / EY Greater China ESG Management Office Head /
EY Asia-Pacific Sustainability Leader, Financial Services
Ms. Judy Li
Committee Member of GBA Carbon Neutrality Association, Hong KongDr. Sr. Kenny Siu


Details of the Conference:

Theme: Green Finance: New Driving Force for Development of Corporate Sustainability

Date: 11th September 2023 (Monday)

Time: 14:30am – 17:30pm

Venue: The Grand Ballroom, MGM Macau

Registration Fee: MMA Member MOP$80

                             Non-members MOP$100


To enroll for the Conference, please Click Here to download the pamphlet and registrations form for more details.


There are on-site and online quotas for this conference, kindly fill the Online Registrations Form and choose to participate in the conference on-site or online.

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact 28323233.