HR Professionals Club: Study Visit to Hong Kong
HR Club has jointly organized a study visit to Hong Kong with the Macau Human Resources Management Association on November 6. Led by Mr. Cheang Kin Lap Keegan, Chairman of HR Club,...
Young Managers’ Club: Seminar on Business Competitiveness and Career Planning
YMC has organized a seminar on Business Competitiveness and Career Planning on November 6. We have invited Mr. Lin Lung Cheong, CEO of IBDS (Institute for Business Development Serv...
AAMO 2nd Council Meeting 2015 in Philippines
AAMO 2nd Council Meeting 2015 was held in Manila, Philippines on October 8, with members of NMOs from Macau, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal and Malaysia.
Press Conference of “The Survey on the Part-time Employment in Macau”
he press conference of “The Survey on the Part-time Employment in Macau” was held on October 27
Young Managers’ Club: Training Camp on Management Skills
YMC has organized a Training Camp on Management Skills in Hilltop Country Club of Hong Kong on October 24-25
MMA 2015 Annual Management Conference
The MMA 2015 Annual Management Conference was held on October 16 at Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre, themed “To Interact with CEOs – Practical Guides on Business St...
Seminar on New Retail Management Concept
MMA has organized a seminar on New Retail Management Concept on September 23. We have invited Mr. Paul Ma to share his insights on quality customer services. 30 participants have j...
MMA 31st Anniversary Dinner & Inauguration Ceremony of the 16th Council
MMA 31st Anniversary Dinner as well as the Inauguration Ceremony of the 16th Council were held on September 18 at MGM Macau.
Press Conference of “The Survey on the Relevance between Career Planning and Pro
The press conference of “The Survey on the Relevance between Career Planning and Property Buying of Macau Young People” was held on September 15
MMA Attended the Press Conference on 1E3C of Facilities Management
The Press Conference of 1E3C of Facilities Management was held on September 9 at the Labour Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR