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Agreement Signing Ceremony between MMA and BOC

   MMA and BOC (Bank of China Macau Branch) signed an Agreement on “Bank of China Trophy - Global Management Challenge” on September 8 at Bank of China Building. As today’s largest worldwide strategy and management competition, GMC was founded in Portugal in 1980 and has been played in over 30 countries and regions, attracting more than 500 thousand students and  executives. It was introduced to Macau in 1996 and organized by MMA. We honorably invited the guests to witness the ceremony, they are: Mr. Chui Sai Cheong, MMA President; Mr. Tommy Lau, MMA Council Chairman; Mr. Chan Chak Mo, MMA Council Vice Chairman; Mr. Paul Tse, MMA Council Vice Chairman and Honorary Secretary General; Mr. Alex Mok, MMA Council Vice Chairman and Honorary Treasurer; Dr. Albano Martins, Ms. Catherine Ng and Mr. Cheang Kin Lap Keegan, MMA Council Vice Chairmen; Mr. Wang Shaojun, BOC General Manager; Mr. Ip Sio Kai, BOC Deputy General Manager; Mr. Chan Hio Peng, BOC Deputy General Manager; Ms. Chen Fen, Director of Banking Business Development Department of BOC. This ceremony remarks the closer cooperation between MMA and BOC on the promotion of management practices in Macau.