MMA Visited National Security Education Exhibition
MMA visited the 2023 National Security Education Exhibition on Apr 17...
YAP Workshop: DISC Personality Test
YAP DISC Personality Test Workshop was successfully held on April 15...
YAP@Nansha! Immersive GBA Study Tour
“YAP@Nansha! Immersive GBA Study Tour”was successfully held on April 1...
AGHRM and MMA HR Club Organized "HRM Study Tour - Visit to CEM"
AGRHM and MMA HR Club jointly organized a study tour on Mar 24.
YAP Members Only! Networking Session
YAP held a members-only networking event with the theme of networking on Mar 18…
MMA Participated in AAMO 1st Council Meeting
1st Council Meeting of Asian Association of Management Organizations (AAMO) 2023 was held on March 7 via Zoom...
YAP Workshop: Meta with U: Discover Metaverse
Ms. KM Leung, a training instructor from the MIM was invited by GEG YAP to speak to YAP members on March 4.
“Bank of China Trophy” GMC Regional Final Prize Presentation Dinner 2022
Organized by MMA, "Bank of China Trophy" Global Management Challenge Regional Final Prize Presentation Dinner 2022 was successfully held on March 3....
YAP Workshop2 : GBA Angle of view "Vital of Cooperation Zone's Integration
YAP invited MIM Training instructor Mr. Sou Chan Fan to present the "Outline of the Development Plan " on Feb 18.
MMA Spring Dinner 2023
MMA organized the Spring Dinner 2023 on February 17 at Federal Restaurant...